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Aversion to risky assets continued last week as fears rose that policy responses to Europe’s
sovereign debt crisis could undermine the global recovery. A further blow to confidence came as Germany moved to ban short-selling in the region (selling assets that have been borrowed) which left investors both fearful at the air of panic conveyed by the move and dismayed at the lack of co-ordination with other policymakers. The US Senate approved the finance bill, which is the biggest overhaul of financial regulation since the 1930s. Changes proposed in both bills threaten to constrain the banking industry and reduce its profits for years to come. European finance ministers agreed proposed regulations to curtail hedge funds and private računanje postotkaBiznis ideje ljubavni sat evri u dinare gledalica vrijeme sutra umrli danas Weight Loss Injections equity firms. The ECB announced that €16.5bn of Euro area government bonds had been purchased, assumed to be Irish , Spanish, Portuguese and Greece bonds, as part of their support of the market. On Friday the German parliament approved the country's share of a €750 billion rescue package for debt burdened countries. In currencies, the euro recovered from a four year low against the dollar last week as turmoil gripped global markets, the euro recovered from its lows as a wave of deleveraging prompted investors to cut back positions. Over the week the euro gained 1.7% to $1.25 against the dollar and climbed 2.2% to £0.86 against the pound. Over the week commodity prices came under pressure , with oil prices falling 6.2% to $74.47 a barrel, copper dropped 1.3% to $6,789 a tonne while gold fell from record highs by 4.3% to $1,179.75 an ounce. LOCAL EUR LOCAL EUR LOCAL EUR LOCAL EUR INDEX REGION ISEQ Ireland -6.28% -6.28% -1.97% -1.97% 8.88% 8.88% -68.52% -68.52% FT All Share UK -3.99% -5.76% -3.91% -1.83% 21.42% 23.01% -14.90% -33.63% FT 100 UK -3.71% -5.48% -4.88% -2.83% 20.33% 21.91% -13.81% -32.79% S&P 500 US -4.23% -5.23% -2.46% 11.45% 22.63% 36.61% -28.55% -23.24% FT Eur x UK Europe ex UK -2.99% -3.71% -6.57% -5.91% 14.53% 16.16% -33.99% -32.76% FT Germany Germany -4.03% -4.03% -2.06% -2.06% 18.15% 18.15% -26.35% -26.35% FT France France -2.90% -2.90% -8.76% -8.76% 12.85% 12.85% -35.51% -35.51% FT Japan Japan -5.99% -4.80% -2.66% 15.19% 1.97% 19.64% -47.50% -23.80% FT Hong Kong Hong Kong -4.72% -5.98% -7.79% 4.69% 21.26% 34.20% 5.25% 13.35% FT Pacific x Japan Asia ex Japan -5.90% -10.89% -8.57% 0.42% 18.01% 35.31% -8.27% -5.78% FT Pacific Asia -5.96% -7.95% -5.92% 7.28% 9.58% 27.37% -31.83% -15.44% FT World World -4.29% -5.77% -4.08% 5.62% 18.65% 30.52% -25.23% -20.36% FT North America US -4.18% -5.41% -1.69% 12.21% 24.28% 39.09% -21.76% -15.84% FT Eur x UK & Eurobloc Europe ex UK and Eurobloc countries -6.25% -6.25% 2.63% 2.63% 28.71% 28.71% -21.12% -21.12% DJ Eurostoxx 50 Europe -2.04% -2.04% -11.61% -11.61% 8.86% 8.86% -36.82% -36.82% (TOTAL RETURN INDICES USED) INDEX RETURNS to Close of Business 23/05/2010 16/05/2010 to 23/05/2010 31/12/2009 to 23/05/2010 23/05/2009 to 23/05/2010 23/05/2007 to 23/05/2010 YEAR TO DATE 1 YEAR 3 YEARS 23rd May 2010 Weekly Investment Bulletin PENSION FUND ASSET MIXES as at 30th April 2010 Exempt Active Managed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Exempt Consensus 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Exempt Guaranteed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Exempt Equity/Global Opportunities 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Indexed Global Equity 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash 23rd May 2010 Weekly Investment Bulletin GROSS LIFE FUND ASSET MIXES as at 30th April 2010 Wisdomscope/Consensus 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Income Investment 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Balanced Investment 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Active Managed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Global Opportunities 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash 23rd May 2010 Weekly Investment Bulletin NET LIFE FUND ASSET MIXES as at 30th April 2010 Active Managed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Wisdomscope/Consensus 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Venture Managed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash Blue Chip 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Irish Equity UK Equity Europe Equity US Equity Japan Equity Pacific Equity Fixed Interest Property Cash DISCLOSURE:- Irish Life Investment Managers Limited is regulated by the Financial Regulator. While Irish Life Investment Managers uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in this document is current, accurate and complete at the date of publication, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. Irish Life orologi replica Investment Managers therefore cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in reliance on, any information contained in this document. This material is for information only and does not constitute an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment, or subscribe to any investment management or advisory service. The performance shown represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Past performance is not indicative of future results. replica breitlingprodaja stanovapik |
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